Site was shutdown briefly

By | October 5, 2013

In case you were having issues accessing the website earlier, it was shut down for a couple of hours by my hosting company. Apparently the site has grown so large, that they shut it down because it taking up so much server bandwidth.

I was able to put in a temporary fix, but I will need to find a new, larger host in order to fix the issue in the long term and to make sure that doesn’t happen again. I will be taking care of this as quickly as I can.

I guess that’s a unique problem: your website is too popular. Yesterday was the site’s all time record high for both visitors and pageviews. Thank you guys. ^.^


UPDATE: The host transfer is now in process and the site will be moved in the next 1 to 3 days. There won’t be any downtime, but until the move the site will continue to be very slow. The current host can’t keep up with the traffic, but the bigger host will make things MUCH faster. Thanks for your patience =) 2.0
The Fox is in dire jeopardy
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10 years ago

well… a bigger host ,meant costlier website
ever consider amazon? that’s what the guys at Mojang (creator of Minecraft) are using,though it’s not really so much of a premium server and reliable one.
p.s. : that and other one ,creeper host , is so far the only server hosters that i kn from playing Minecraft . But Creeper host i think is a Minecraft only hoster… 😛

10 years ago

First few weeks and its so popular you have to move it.

10 years ago

Now, I have just picked all my things and waiting for SapphireFoxx 3.0 to come soon. ^^

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
10 years ago

Hey, I’m a time travailing techno wizard from the year 2071. It seams your website has a lot of large static files (img’s and flash) so why not offload all that static content on to other servers, a simple and free method would be to use You can also use a number of WordPress plugins to create static pages so your server won’t need to run all that nasty php on every page load, these simple additions will help reduce your operating costs and improve your up time. If you need some help or have any questions then drop… Read more »