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2 years ago

with hikaru now being leena . he still needs her armor. i wonder what kind of armor that hikaru will get as leena.

7 years ago

Miss Foxx, glad to have you back. Hopefully you are adjusting okay!

7 years ago

And now will a hardware issue pop up causing the body to react to the mental data changes for being a female in game while the user/host is male

7 years ago

Que SAO theme

7 years ago

i’m beting that’s wat he/she think’s Humm ~u~

Sam Lund
7 years ago

And this is why I always choose male characters in games.

Not that I have a neural headset game to play with…

7 years ago

I wonder if there will be time dilation in the game the players will feel they have been in it for weeks, months, years but when finally get out having lived a lifetime only an evening has passed IRL, and there real life will seem the unreal one.

Reply to  game0fyou
7 years ago

Ooo, that’s an interesting question! MMOs do usually speed up the in-game timescale quite a lot. A day takes barely an hour in WoW, if I recall correctly.

Reply to  coredumperror
7 years ago

Could certainly be interesting and a way for them to take years “beating” the challenge to get out only to find hours/day’s/weeks/months/years (pick time dilation of choice) have passed in real time. Narnia as I recall the Pevensies spent an entire lifetime only to find no time at all had passed (and regressed back to kids) when they emerged. Must have been weird for Lucy to have to go through puberty a 2nd time.

Reply to  Senko
7 years ago

I was thinking of the practical challenge of their real body not dying of thirst while being kept in the simulation for years and that all adventure games seem to have and accelerated day cycle.

Levi D Dalv
7 years ago

Either he can’t logout, or logging out will still have that body.

Reply to  Levi D Dalv
7 years ago

Much as I’d love to see log out = keep that body I can’t see Sam taking that route. If they remain in their altered forms on returning to real life it’d create a very different “real world” break point with possibly millions of sun elves, moon elves, gender swapped people running around after they beat the challenge/logged out to find their altered forms. Not to mention the massive manhunt for everyone involved with that tech and its possibilities, still an interesting concept and one I’d love to see explored.