Fractured Page 3

By | November 7, 2015

“Meanwhile on the rooftops above, a fox is on the hunt when his apprentice teleports in after a long day of work. His descendant has been doing very well under his tutelage, and is even close to matching his curse cure production. Better step up your game, old man.”

Doing the math, he has been a Fox since 1456. Hard to say what year he was actually born in.

Fractured Page 2
Fractured Page 4
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2 years ago

isabel is really helping alistair set things right what his ex-wife had done wrong.

6 years ago

“I’ve never even been able to try Pizza.”

…my…god…is this Hell?

One day Alistair one day.

But please stay FAAAAR away from pineapple pizza

(No dissing you pineapple lovers I’m just saying…it’d be a bad first impression for him)

7 years ago

As a New Zealander, I’d just like to point out that we created the pavlova, Not Australia.
Not a very well known fact, but a fact none the less 😉

7 years ago

I really like your apprentice she really pretty

7 years ago

I really like your apprentice she really pretty

8 years ago

Isabelle’s hair on panel 4…

8 years ago

wooah so good

Veteris Ordo Seclorum
8 years ago

Where’s page 4!? Page 3 was already out at this hour, yesterday!