Maker’s Game Page 176

By | April 19, 2017

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1 year ago

did leona just turn on allen with her female charm. and boy these girls formerly guys are starting to act like real women how natural.

6 years ago

I wonder will these two guys stall till female feelings take over our two boys /heroes

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
6 years ago

Yay ??

6 years ago

Are we sure that there was only one RED piece to the fox back in Fractured? What if Grey mask has it somehow and the game is giving it or amplifying its power?

6 years ago

I would wonder how many origin masks those NPCs are going to give Leona and Nikki since they only gave them four and the girls didn’t mention anything about needing more origin masks than four (two for each).

Reply to  Chromer
6 years ago

The better question is….. Why are these two young adventuring NPC’s carrying Origin Masks in the first place?

6 years ago

Loved today’s comic. Their physical changes into girls being done, looks like Nikki’s and Leona’s mental and emotional changes toward becoming women are now starting to pick up speed. Soon in that area, both girls will soon catch up to Leena. (yayyyyyyyy……) very soon. Leona seems to be ahead of Nikki in becoming a woman in every way, at least for now. Look in panel 2 and look at how Leona is crossing her legs, Same in panel 3.and 4. And looking back at panel 2, Leona is holding (or limping) her left hand and pointing her index finger in… Read more »

Reply to  Cartoonist
6 years ago

Leona is getting super sexy as she becomes more feminine. Good for you girl.

6 years ago

That’s a natural way for both sexes to cross their legs. I used to cross mine like that until I was made fun of when I was 11 since in the USA that’s the “feminine” way to cross legs. In other cultures everyone does it like that though.

Reply to  SilverArrow20XX
6 years ago

There’s nothing wrong with crossing your legs “feminine” style. I’ve seen alot of guys on television cross their legs like that. Pat Robertson of the 700 Club for one thing crosses his legs like that. And how many US presidents, all guys, do the same thing? I wouldn’t worry about what anyone thinks about how you cross your legs. And the ones who made fun of you have problems of their own. Some of the probably wet the bed and would die of shame if anyone found out.

6 years ago

This is interesting ! Their bodies are taking the lead to guide them to the other side… U go girls !!!