Cinder Isle Page 206

By | June 22, 2019

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29 days ago

the random unnamed soldier guy that “welcomes” Stacie and Nathan to the island has got to be my new favorite character! love how he hits the two with the reality like its a blunt object lmao

Last edited 29 days ago by Nivo
2 years ago

something tells me that Stacie and Nathan are going to become 2 new permanent residents of cinder isle. i hope that they like living here for the rest of their lives.

Reply to  shoeflypie1831
2 years ago

There’s bad blood between Stacie and the general

5 years ago

where can i get some of that red fluid

5 years ago

With the Title of Tin Foil Theorist, I can easily imagine his/her co-workers believing that he/she was dumb enough to go into an irradiated zone and get killed. Who wants to bet they will have a short party in his/her memory and start looking for, or making up the latest Kardashian scandal?

5 years ago

Ha Ha ?? What the fxck can they do now ??

5 years ago

I bet Nathan will be forced to live in the same neighborhood as the main characters and attend the same high school given the chapters title. His transformed dad will be detained as with other infected.

5 years ago

This guy needs a lesson about how the world really works. Those in power only tolerate the rights of the regular folk because it is to their profit. Silly things like freedom of the press vanish as soon as the government decides it is no longer useful. Don’t like it? You think the US is above silencing you? lol Not only will you be silenced, you will be slandered in such a way that the public celebrates it.

The Emerald Panther
5 years ago

If Ms. Pembroke thinks she will be able to contact her newspaper then she is a fool.
Ms. Pembroke is lucky that she isn’t in a jail cell with how she’s threatening the General.
“The truth is beyond your comprehension.”