The Night Is Young – Episode 8

By | February 7, 2023

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9 months ago

Judgeing by what I saw in Awakening 19 and the interactions here Jessica is definately gonna get with alistair at somepoint I can just see it happening

1 year ago

When did the animation become so fucking good, and the voiceacting, someone who has been here since the start it really is a night and day differance

James Caras
1 year ago

Jessica should cut her losses and break things off with Francisco.

James Caras
1 year ago

Wouldn’t be ironic if her next target was Francisco ?

1 year ago

I have a feeling that, at least in this series, the Seattle P.D. will be either run by or be in the pockets of abusive men, and that the cops will eventually be sent after the Pink Knight in a way similar to the times the GCPD went after Batman.

James Caras
Reply to  AuraTerrorbird
1 year ago

I wouldn’t be surprised either way.

1 year ago

oh dear That talk did not go well… I hate to break it to you Jessica but if your man is deflecting your questions then he is definately cheating on you

p.s I actually dont mind the Alistair and Jessica shipping scenario its actually kind of sweet and csnt wsit to see jess’s face when she finds out his actual age

Last edited 1 year ago by MarkoDan92
1 year ago

Everyone down! They got books! Pros: I love the inclusion of Crossfire into the SF universe as a media franchise. It’s just great world-building. Alistair sounding somewhat robotic and ‘statue-like’ in his human construct makes a lot of sense, considering he’s spent the past few centuries as a statue. Jessica’s inner-conflict about her relationship with Fransisco feels very human. Cons: The ‘shipping’ between Alistair and Jessica still feels VERY off, due to how Alistair is Isabelle’s super great grandfather. I’ll give this animation a generous 8/10. This mini review did come in a few days late, due to outside factors… Read more »

1 year ago