The Night Is Young – Episode 1

By | November 17, 2021

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2 years ago

Ooooo kay, Ease up on the sailor moon girl. Sure your after justice but did you really have to twirl while transforming. I’m really missing the wonder woman flash of light in the spin, Linda Carter era transformation. Imagine if someone walked or ported in mid transformation.

2 years ago

Jessica did a fiery version of X-Scissor or Cross Poison during the practice battle. Who knows? Maybe Nintendo will create a Fire-type move and name it Cross Fire.

James Caras
2 years ago

Is this PreAwakening or PostAwakening ?

James Caras
2 years ago

I can’t wait to see what Jessica does to Lawrence’s dad.

Last edited 2 years ago by James Caras
2 years ago

I think Lawrence may soon be Lorri…

James Caras
2 years ago

Eat your heart out, Wonder Woman.
Jessica still needs to disguise her voice.

Last edited 2 years ago by James Caras
2 years ago

I like Jessica’s intentions but she needs to be careful if she meddle’s around with non-bloods the too much she may attract the attention of the DSC or the SPF and that would land her in very big trouble

Also I think this bully may turn ous to be another warlock and his brother witch msy prove to much for her to handle on her own so she may ask Issy and chris to help her out

Last edited 2 years ago by MarkoDan92
James Caras
Reply to  Markodan92
2 years ago

We shall see, Danny.

James Caras
2 years ago

It would be poetic justice if Jessica transformed him into a woman.
I would love to see the look on the scumbag’s face.

Last edited 2 years ago by James Caras