Matchmaker Episode 1

By | July 17, 2016

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Emeiliana the inkling girl
29 days ago

Palaptine said Isabelle you survived

4 years ago

I think it’s kind of weird that Holly is a fairly nice person in DP, is a total jerk in this and then is nice again in ashes to ashes.

Lets Not
Reply to  LaudoMatriae
3 years ago


Reply to  Lets Not
3 years ago

Changing something back and forth just because the plots demands it is bad writing.

4 years ago

Palpatine: “I love democracy…”

5 years ago

i just reread DP and didnt Chris give his clothe changing powers thingy to Holly at the end of it? Why cant she do the perfect woman thing herself? is it because she can only change into guys?

Reply to  MattB
5 years ago

Chris copied the spell that was put on him and gave the copy spell to Holly, though the spell worked in reverse for her – when she puts on male clothes, she turns into a man. Chris did not remove the spell put on him and give it to Holly, he basically gave Holly the same kind of spell.

6 years ago

Chris should have said I can hear their thoughts in his mind and not read their minds or am I wrong in this statement like for example when you go up to a drive-thru window you don’t really drive thru the window but you drive up next to the window

6 years ago

since holly is one mind it makes it easier to read her mind

7 years ago

so are they witches and warlocks or are they sorcerers and sorceress which is it

Reply to  wonderman
7 years ago

I think their official names are Witches and Warlocks but since sorcerer is practically a synonym it might be used interchangably

7 years ago

Matt Shipman? By golly, I didn’t expect that! Loved his work as Shay in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V, so this’ll be interesting.