August 20th, 2014: New House and Pictures

By | August 20, 2014

This post is long over due, but I wanted to make sure everything was unpacked and settled in before taking pictures. If you don’t know, I (finally) moved out from my parent’s and got a place of my own in New Hampshire. I’ll be leasing it for at least the next year. I’m very happy with it so far, and now I’ll share it with you guys. πŸ™‚

Living Room
My awesome new living room. I love the recliner and sofa. (I should get a better camera.)

New entertainment area to put all my games. I’ll probably get a bigger TV at some point. I’ve bought enough furniture in the last few weeks, so I can hold off on shopping.

I’ve been learning how to cook now that my parents aren’t around to do it for me. At least now I can make whatever I want every night. πŸ™‚

My old place of business was cramped into my bedroom. Now I have a dedicated office for SF business (SapphireFoxx world headquarters). All of my equipment actually fits now.

What office would be complete without a fake fireplace? It was left behind by the people who previously lived here. It’s funny how location can make a difference because it looked trashy in the living room, but it looks cool in the office.

And a nice little backyard and patio. I like going out there with my laptop to write scripts and respond to support emails.

It isn’t the whole house, but you’ve guys seen bedrooms and bathrooms before. There’s a spare bedroom I’m trying to decide on what to do with, and a basement I might use for something. Overall, I’m very happy with the new place.

July 19th, 2014: Moving Soon: with PICTURES!
First Look At New Comic
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9 years ago

add to this DXracer chair and it will be complete

9 years ago

Dear SapphireFoxx

I am glad to hear that you finally got your own house and that things are working out for you great! I want to let you know that I have been doing well and that I am in college studing to become a photographer. I’m glad for you buddy that all your dreams are coming true.

Sincerely, Daniel Shankwiler

9 years ago

good home

9 years ago

Welcome to my state dude, i hope you enjoy yourself here. You got a beautiful house, though it looks a bit much for one person. Hey maybe i could be your roommate xD (just kidding, i could never afford the rent on my pay). All in all, enjoy your stay dude, New Hampshire is a great place to live. Personally, I’m way down near the border of Massachusetts but its a nice city

9 years ago

Congratulations on a beautiful new home, Sam. It looks like a great place for you to create more wonderful stories πŸ™‚
I love to cook (Almost as much as I love
I will be happy to share tips, hints or recipes any time πŸ˜‰

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
9 years ago

I got one.
Sorta like spaghetti with milled meat, but alittle diffrent.
1. Cook some spaghetti.
2. Fry the milled meat to normal.
3. Now, instead of pressed tomatos, you use some mushroom sause.
4. hack some onions and any mushroom you like and add to the mix.
5. To add some taste, add some red chilli sause.

This is really simple, but very tasty if u ask me, so feel free to try it out.

9 years ago

really nice set up congrats dude

9 years ago

Rent the room out! I need a place to stay! hehehe

9 years ago

The place looks really lovely Sam. Congratulations to you.